At the beginning of the social networking era, website such as facebook,twitter,tumblr,blogspot,wordpress and many others more are a channel to get friends all around the world and share your stories with them. It is slowly becoming more aggressive than just making friends but started to spread out news,information,organization and business using this channel.
At another situation, politician are traditionally using newspaper article,radio and word of mouth to spread democracy and freedom of speech. They are also slowly turning into the technology world,which is internet + social network. By using the power of social networking, it is the best place to gather up voices and people to fight together for freedom,for democracy,and for a so-called better world.
If you were to ask, is this a good thing?or a bad decision on using social network to spread democracy. There is no right or wrong, it is just that the action of using facebook or twitter to spread the news is something not suppose to happen among normal citizen. It should not involving normal public to join or support the democracy or demonstration as this would create a chaos and so-called putting up fire among the country and citizen.
In 2010, arab spring is outburst in Arab and they are using facebook and twitter to spead and plan for the whole demostration activity. In 2011, Malaysia is involved with the demonstration of "Bersih 2.0" and the facebook has becoming the channel of posting videos,article,news ans believes among netizen to the public. For those who are supporting bersih, they can actually put up the "Bersih" logo at their profile picture,which is a point of supportive to them. This has no right or wrong, or suppose or not suppose to. However, social networking should not be involving with politics that might bring a chaotic effect to either individuals or public.
Hi! There is no right or wrong to the matter. I like how you justify it!
ReplyDeleteBut personally, I still think that people can't put all the blames on the social networking sites. Like the event you mentioned, Bersih 2.0, we don't have any evidence saying that they recruit the members through the net don't you think so? All happened on Facebook and Twitter is just people updating the event or attaching a logo on the profile picture to show support. This are not the points that can support the argument of the cyber-utopian in my opinion.
There should be no limit to whatever to post on the social networking sites as we all have the freedom of speech. We share the opinions there. But sharing opinions doesn't means it is to summon up revolutionary, again, it's all about how a person perceive the statement posted by the user. =)
I agree that social networking site should not involve politics issue.
ReplyDeleteSocial Networking site is a site for people to communicate, interact, share and many more. When it involves politics issues, it has distorted the uses of social networking site. For me, I think social networking site is a happy world without any arguments and everyone is sharing information happily.
With the involvement of politics issues. People might start arguing and start to create groups to protest. I personally think this can influence the social sites' users mindset towards an issue and start to follow the people blindly on revolution.