Monday, 22 August 2011

Declaration of cyberspace

What would you feel when you are in the toilet and your mother keeps on knocking your door and shout you to come out? The feeling of anger and frustrates overwhelmed your mind and you would just wanted to stop the annoying knocking sound. Oh man, I would only want a minute of private space to do the things I want,and need.

Cybersoace is an infinite world to us. It can contains unlimited data,things and incident. However, when something is too good to exist, they must be something evil happen at the other end. This is call, equally use at the both side. One of the pity industry that is being violated by cyberspace would be the music industry.Before the advance of technology, everyone would have a cassettte of their favourite artist.Nowadays, iTunes, youtube, mp3 every single song can be download,view or shared internationally. The good thing is,the singer can be famous just depends on millions of viewer in youtube and thats it,you're a superstar now. While for the bad, is the person behind who produced the song, from pitching to compose to even the electric bill, will worth nothing at last.

Besides, cyberspace actually is a place that keeps everyone secret and also produce the eager for everyone to intrude the secret. Eventhough there are security password,firewall,anti-virus any kind of format to prevent someone's privacy, but there is someone call hacker in the world. They are eat,breed,live for the sake of "I am going to reveal your secret" . The good is, everyone would have a job opportunity.The bad is,secret is no more secret.

In cyberspace we've also been revealing with different type of things and education. I still remember when i was in secondary school, there is actually an advertisement that educates us,especially the pearents whenever inappropriate website appear in the screen, just press Alt+ F4 and the window will close automatically. It educates children that, whenever you saw something is not good,bad,or inappropriate,just press on Alt +F4 and they will not see it anymore. I did not press that button till now,even though when any inappropriate sites appear. Its just because, the more you want to hide it, the more you want to see it. Thus, i will just choose to ignore. After it finish load, and able to press close, I will just close it.

Cyberspace is a world that nobody can predict what is inside. Human is the one create and decides what to be in it. Instead of setting law to prevent it, its better to start from educating and understand the behavior.


  1. I like your introduction! interesting!
    I agree with your music industry part.
    Everyone downloading music illegally nowadays, it has become a norm! Pity those producer, they dont earn much.

    They are eat,breed,live for the sake of "I am going to reveal your secret"
    I like this statement! Hacker are everywhere! Hacking someone is only job they can do. I think hacker has become a professional job, they need to expert on IT and software to start hacking others.

  2. Nice example used in the earlier part!!

    And indeed, cyberspace is somewhere and no one can predicts what happen. It is so hard to. Today it might be this tomorrow it might just change. It's hard to keep update. I'm sure there are a lot of new website created in each day. There is no way we can cope with it if we're still keeping this pace. Sigh.

  3. Personally, I think Cyberspace has the positive and negative social domain. As you mentioned, Hacker can intrude the privacy of the people nowadays. Even Facebook now, people can check on your house phone number, address and et cetera even though we never post it on the info site. It is weird, isn't it?
