Saturday, 1 October 2011

Better than free- Kevin Kelly

A human nature: Why will you use money to buy something which is free? As internet includes every single thing inside and can be obtain by just simple pressing control + C and keep into our computer hardisk. By using words and pictures in internet,someone mght easily get money in any way when they are actually earning with zero cost? Imagine a person is writing a blog and get famous. What he/she does is just using a free website and post up words and picture. When he/she get fame, automatically his/her website will earn some income with zero cost,which mean 100%profit. This is why comes out a new occupation called, Blogger. By earning in virtual world, things become much easier and virtual. Here comes Kelly explaining to us what is better than a free stuff.

What would be the reason for fan to purchase pre-order than winning it from a radio station which is totally free to you? One of the main reason would be Immediacy. IT is just a simple example, free things need to wait. the reason of wanted it to be immat ediacy is because everything will have a life span, a news report has a life span on about, a day? A song would have a life span depends on the popularity,stay for 1month in radio station? A movie that will catch everyone's attention and imitate the character, it would last for 3months. By the time you wait it for free, what will it be? It's either you can't join the crowd when everyone is facinating on it, thus lead to social problem. In this situation, comes in the role of internet brings an extra point wih them. Nowadays, it is not necessary to line up in front of cd shop to buy the new release artist album of yours but you can actually pre-order through websites.

We are always concern on the world and trend nowadays, what about the old artwork? There must be at certain moment where nostalgia comes into part as it is a part of our life. This is where Amazon and Netflix able to give to user. As they have a large capacity of storage which is the internet, user be able to find back past 10-20 years books which is a treasure for certain people. This is know as long tail phenomenon. It connects niche audience with niche products (Kelly 2004). For example, bookstore will not be able to keep books that are distributed 10years ago,as due to the space and the amount of new book distribute everyday. Thus, here it is the usage of internet bring to user,where there will be limitless capacity to store the information of books which is printed 10years ago and able to let user find it out and purchase it.

Thus, free stuff is good but some people might have their reason of using money to buy.There is no right or wrong but its a matter of humanity on what they need and how they need something. Long tail phenomenon brings in emergence of old and new stuff in which reminds people not to forget the old while having the new.


  1. No doubt, Internet is really powerful that we can search back the old data which we want. Like the books as you mentioned, we have the high possibility to find back the books in past 10 years or 15 years via Internet because of it's capacity. That's why people would still purchase it via online. It is convenient though.

  2. Hey there Chea! I like it how you tied the radio station and the pre-order CD example together. It's true, why would we wait for the latest Miss A album to hit the radio when we can possibly look it up on YouTube and then buy it straight! And to think we're eager fans, of course immediacy would only be relevant. The faster I get to hear Miss A's latest hit, the better!

    It's true that everyone would have a nostalgia trait in them. Think of it, 10 years from now, if Harry Potter weren't so popular, I don't think I'll be able to find the books in the bookstores. But since Harry Potter is one of the most successful franchise, it would most probably hit the book shelves again in new packaging and the likes.

    But what about books that I really love but isn't that popular? What if I lost the books and I wanted to collect them again but it's no longer selling in MPH? Then there goes my buble, poof!

    But as mentioned by you, the long tail phenomena comes to the rescue. Even though I'm the only one wanting the unpopular book but that's okay because one customer is still business. And what if the one customer like me exists probably everywhere in the world? There's a bigger revenue!

    The physical capacity does not mean everything. I used to ogle over the books when I visit MPH. I thought it was heaven. I thought, "If only I could have a library like this!" Little did I know, that Amazon stores much more than MPH. Heeee.

    All for long tail!
